“It was an outstanding experience. The resource persons were very knowledgeable and covered many inputs related to theory building. Thanks for granting us an understanding especially theory interpretation”

- Participant in TBTSEM-2018

“Impactful and resourceful workshop. All the sessions organised were fruitful. Learned foundation concepts in theory buildings and advanced techniques in theory testing”.

-- Participant in TBTSEM-2018

“Every topic was worth and useful. The way resource persons simplified the difficult topics is really good and a layman can be Professional.”

-- Participant, TBTSEM 2020

“I found factor analysis and SEM is very useful. Clarified all doubts patiently and manages time effectively. Lab and hands on experience made this workshop a success.”.

-- Participant, TBTSEM-2020

About Workshop

We're excited to announce the 3rd edition of our 5-day workshop series on "Theory Building and Testing using Structural Equation Modeling"! Based on the positive feedback from our previous participants, we've designed this practice and application-based workshop to help you acquire new skills and knowledge for better research outcomes.

The low acceptance rates at the leading research journals suggests the need to increase the quality of the research manuscripts produced. Studies that are mainly descriptive and lack precise conceptual framework and theoretical implications are rejected to be published in peer reviewed journals at the initial round of reviews. However, In social science research, theory building and testing with psychometric properties is not an easy task. To make an impactful research contribution, it's important to combine qualitative and quantitative methods. Our workshop aims to connect these methods, from the basics to the advanced level, to help you strengthen your research findings.

Meeting the current standards for scholarly research and publishing in premier journals indexed in Scopus, ABDC, and Web of Science is crucial. This is where theory building and testing come in, and incorporating advanced methods such as SEM can make a significant difference.

AMOS (Analysis of Moments Structures) and PLS-SEM are powerful softwares that allow researchers to analyze inter-relationships among constructs with multiple indicators in a model. The application softwares allow your analysis accurately and efficiently, and compute inter-relationships simultaneously. Plus, most established journal publishers now recommend using modelling in writing.

Workshop Objective

The major aim of this workshop is to discuss the important methodological skills required to perform quality research and the processes of theory building & testing using structural equation modeling.

Key takeaways

After attending the workshop one can identify research gap through Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and develop and test the theory through structural equation modelling using AMOS in research. Further, the participants acquire other important research skills mentioned in the schedule.

Who can Attend

This workshop is intended for PhD scholars, junior faculty or senior faculty looking for better insights and approaches, who want to perform quality research and publish results in premier journals indexed in Scopus, ABDC and Web of Science.

Major Topics covered in the workshop

A way to make a meaningful contribution is to incorporate the qualitative and quantitative methods like structural equation modelling, moderation, and mediation approaches in the doctoral level research.

  • Workshop covers the Research Philosophy, foundations of research methods and methodology, hypotheses testing, basics to advanced statistics, including Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Moderation and Mediation using SPSS, AMOS, PLS-SEM and Process Macro.
  • Upon understanding the concept of SEM, the participants will enjoy the hands-on experience on how to execute SEM using AMOS & PLS-SEM, and also how to interpret the results.
    Join us in this exciting workshop and take your research skills to the next level!